Match met – more than $1.668 million raised!

Rev. Eugene Cho, president of Bread for the World, left, and Rick Steves, travel writer and Bread for the World member.

By Rick Steves

Thank you for responding to my matching gift challenge. You joined more than 7,000 others — and together, you gave more than $892,480. With my $500,000 match and $276,000 in matching funds from other Bread members, that’s more than $1.668 million to help build the political will to end hunger!

It is absolutely critical that we win passage of the Global Malnutrition Prevention and Treatment Act in 2022. Thanks to your support, we now have 59 co-sponsors in Congress! This bill will improve the lives of tens of millions of women and children all around the world. Your gift will help end child malnutrition. You fill me with gratitude — and pride in the big hearts of my fellow travelers and Bread members.

I am a proud Bread for the World member because, like you, I believe we can end hunger, and together we’ve made tremendous progress. Thanks to our collective effort, we’re making a huge difference in the lives of people experiencing hunger. Our friends at Bread for the World report that our initiative has injected palpable energy into the organization at the beginning of another daunting year. If you care about ending hunger — Bread gets it done.

Thanks, and congrats to all involved!

Rick Steves is a travel writer and Bread for the World member.

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