Prayers to End Hunger: Joy

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Editor’s note: subscribers to Bread for the World’s Prayers to End Hunger receive new prayers by email every other Friday. Sign up here.

Throughout the Bible, when we read, “do not be afraid,” God is often letting us know that something new and previously unimaginable is coming and in the Gospel of Luke, the angel brings good news of great joy.

God’s son is coming into the world and nothing will ever be the same again. We give thanks that as promised, God is doing a new thing and we are invited to be a part of it as we prepare for the Christ Child to enter our hearts and our lives.

Even in this challenging and often frightening world, we are given a chance to be part of the hope and love that comes through Jesus. Let us pray:

God of good news and joy,

We come before you humbly. While we are often uncertain and fearful, you remain faithful and sure.

We give thanks for your ongoing presence in our lives and as we remember the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, we ready our hymns and prepare our homes to be places of joy and love that are worthy to receive him.

O God make us instruments of your healing in the world. Help us be part of your miracle that all people may know your glory.

Mostly God, we pray for people experiencing hunger. Be their comfort in times of need.

We pray these things in joyful expectation of the coming of Christ. Amen.

“Do not be afraid … I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people”

— Luke 2:10

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