Hunger in the News: The Vatican, 2016 campaign trail, and poverty

Hunger in the News

How Venezuela’s Repressive Government Controls the National Through Hunger,” by Javier Corrales, Huffington Post. “The Venezuelan government has become one of the world’s cruelest teasers.”

The Vatican is determined to end world hunger by 2030,” by Rome Reports TV News Agency. “This man is convinced that it is possible to end world hunger, and is personally working to make it happen. He is the Vatican ambassador to the UN Food and Agriculture Organizations, including FAO, IFAD, and WFP.”

Trump, Clinton largely avoid talking about poverty on the 2016 campaign trail,” by Chris Baker, “Can we talk about poverty for a minute? Because no one on the national campaign trail is.”

How do Americans view poverty?” by David Lauter, Los Angeles Times. “Sharp differences along lines of race and politics shape American attitudes toward the poor and poverty, according to a new survey of public opinion, which finds empathy toward the poor and deep skepticism about government antipoverty efforts.”

Advocates Still Optimistic on Criminal Justice Reform,” by John Reid, Morning Consult. “Criminal justice reform has been stalled in Congress despited bipartisan support, but the issue is almost certain to see action when lawmakers return to Washington in the fall.”

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