Make your voice heard on behalf of all mothers and children around the world

Mother and child in Zambia. Joseph Molieri/Bread for the World.

By Eric Mitchell

The decision on how much the U.S. government will invest in global nutrition-related work will be happening very soon. The House Appropriations Committee will be considering the State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill for fiscal year 2017. Now is an important time for your U.S. representative to hear from you about global and child nutrition.

The Senate Appropriations Committee, in its State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill, provided only $125 million for nutrition in global health programs next year. It is now even more important for the House Appropriations Committee to increase the funding for nutrition in global health programs to at least $230 million (this is what the 2016 Offering of Letters has been pushing for).

Call (800-826-3688) or email your representative today and urge him or her to provide at least $230 million for nutrition in global health programs in the House State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill for fiscal year 2017.

This funding for nutrition in global health programs will provide lifesaving support and the ability to lead healthy lives for millions of mothers and children around the world. Nutrition is a building block for child development, maternal health, and for reducing poverty in low-income countries.

The U.S. government must step up and increase funding for global nutrition programs. Call (800-826-3688) or email your representative today and urge him or her to increase funding for nutrition in global health programs to at least $230 million in fiscal year 2017.

Now is the time to act so that millions of mothers and children around the world receive the nutrition they need to survive and thrive.

Eric Mitchell is the director of government relations at Bread for the World.

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