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Help end child malnutrition

2 Min Read

Last year, Bread for the World members helped persuade Congress to pass the bipartisan Global Nutrition Resolution (H.Res.189/S.Res.260). 

This landmark resolution called for increased United States leadership in the effort to reduce malnutrition in children all over the world.

This success set the stage for the introduction and passage of the Global Malnutrition Prevention and Treatment Act (H.R.4693) by the House Foreign Affairs Committee in July. This bipartisan legislation has the potential to improve the lives of tens of millions of women and children around the world.

Malnutrition is responsible for nearly half of all preventable deaths among children under age five. Nearly 60 million children are in danger right now.

Protecting the nutrition of women and children during the critical 1,000-day period between a woman’s pregnancy and her child’s second birthday can make an enormous difference in the lives of children.

And studies show that every $1 invested in improving nutrition for the world’s poorest children returns $16 in benefits because of improved health and increased economic productivity.

The Global Malnutrition Prevention and Treatment Act directs the U.S. government to create a comprehensive plan to end global malnutrition. If passed, the act will give the USAID the ability to set a long-term strategy and coordinate nutrition interventions across multiple agencies.

The act will also increase investments in high-impact nutrition programs, including prenatal vitamins, support to breastfeed, vitamin A supplementation, and life-saving treatment for severely malnourished children.

Bread for the World was instrumental in helping to draft the language and concept for this bill. For more than a decade, Bread for the World has been leading advocacy efforts and focusing on malnutrition as central to advancing progress on ending hunger. 

Commenting on the prospects for passage of this bill, Heather Valentine, Bread for the World’s director of government relations, said, “The prayers, generosity, and advocacy of Bread for the World members have brought us to the point today where this bill is now out of committee and ready to be passed.”

She added: “Pushing for final passage this fall will mean that children get the help they need to grow and thrive.”

Act Now

Call 800-826-3688 or write to your members of Congress.  Urge them to co-sponsor the Global Malnutrition Prevention and Treatment Act. Go here to take action today!

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