Fourth of July: Praying for the peace of the city

2 Min Read

Dear God.

As we celebrate the birthday of our nation we are witnessing, floods, fires, natural disasters, acts of oppression, violence, bigotry, injustice, confusion, and vitriol, shaking up this county.

In the midst of this, we are reminded of the word you imparted to the prophet Jeremiah to instruct the people to pray for the peace of the city.

We pray that you open the eyes of all people to look around at their neighbors through your eyes of love, mercy and grace to seek the peace, safety, security, welfare, and prosperity of our nation.

We pray that men and women of faith be led by your Holy Spirit to stand in the gap as agents of reconciliation.

In this land of opportunity, we pray that all have a fair access to health care, education, jobs, housing, safety, and nutrition.

In this land of freedom, we pray that men and women of diverse ideologies can have a conversation without tarnishing the dignity that you have given us all.

We pray that our leaders in every sphere do what is right and seek justice and righteousness for all.

We pray that men and women of all ages and faith traditions, the private sector, government, civil society, and academia can garner the collective will to end hunger and poverty in our nation.

We pray these things in your Holy Name. Amen.


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