Advent Prayers to End Hunger: Peace


Editor’s Note: In celebration of Advent, we have invited faith leaders to reflect on where they find hope, peace, joy, and love in this season. Each reflection will be followed by a prayer for this season.

“Peace on Earth!” the angels cried out to startled workers on the land. Agricultural laborers living on the land and close to the land. Shortly, this will again be proclaimed in churches around the world—across the lands. In recent months (and indeed my entire life) I have found peace on the land. Though this has taken many forms, I think at this moment of trail running or hiking and the habanero peppers in our garden. The change of seasons, crunch of acorns, changing angle of light through changing sizes and shades of leaves is marvelous, and when quiet, reminds of the Creator for whom we wait in expectation to again come close. Finding peace and stillness in the land. Land, when healthy, producing enough. When food laborers well and at peace—enough for all, peace on earth. Peace in the land and hunger fading away like the winter sun.

Let us pray:

Patient and Loving God,
We are caught in the hustle and bustle—trying
to make ends meet, trying
to plan just right, trying
to get all the justice work done, trying
to make everyone happy, trying…
Time moves so quickly, we struggle to
to recognize this advent season.

Stop us in our tracks.
Give us wonder.
Give us anticipation.
Give us longing.
Prepare our hearts for your gifts of
Wrapped in swaddling clothes
and lying in a manger,
born in Bethlehem.
We wait for the one in whose name we pray,

Rev. Dr. Nathan Hosler wrote this Advent reflection. He is the director of the Church of the Brethren’s Office of Peacebuilding and Policy and a pastor at the Washington City Church of the Brethren in Washington, D.C.

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