Jennifer Pelling is a film producer focused on social impact documentaries that emphasize personal stories. She is also founding member of the Tsuha Foundation, where she developed the Tsuha Global Fellows program with the University of Western Australia to empower emerging leaders from countries in the Global South to develop high-priority research and policy solutions that directly relate to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in their respective communities.
Jennifer serves on the board of Circles USA, a nonprofit that reduces poverty by bringing people together across income lines to increase financial literacy and build social capital, and the board of the Ideos Institute, which promotes empathy through dialogue and civic engagement. Before shifting to the nonprofit world, Jennifer worked at Accenture, homeschooled her children, and taught math in a charter school.
Pelling graduated from Hamilton College with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and computer science. She is non-denominational. Escondido, California.