Update on El Camino/The Path of the Immigrant walk in California

2 Min Read

Below is an update on El Camino del Inmigrante/The Path of the Immigrant, courtesy of East Central Ministries, one of the organizations taking part in the event. Bread for the World is another organization taking part in the event, organized by Christian Community Development Association.

Dear friends and supporters,

We made it through Day 2! Today was a long day, around 16 miles.

The walk is definitely attracting attention – which is, of course, one of the primary goals – to bring attention to the brokenness of our immigranttion system, highlight the stories behind the issue, and join a collective cry for reform. As we’ve been walking, several people have stopped us to ask what we’re doing, or to mention that they heard about us on the news, to share words of encouragement or ask questions about why we’re walking.

Speaking of news, El Camino has been covered in several media outlets! CBS news aired a 2.5 minute segment, which you can watch below. Michelle Warren, one of the main organizers of the event, informed us that you’re lucky to get 30 seconds of airtime in televised news these days, so such a long segment is a big deal! And the San Diego Union Tribune published an article on August 20 – “Border-to-LA walk aimed at immigration reform.”

Thanks again to all of you for your support.


The ECM walkers


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CBS News 8 – San Diego, CA News Station – KFMB Channel 8

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