Put your faith into action locally with Bread for the World and help pass a faithful U.S. farm bill!
This year, Bread for the World members have been advocating for a farm bill that builds healthier, more equitable, and sustainable food systems. Churches and campus groups across the country have written letters to Congress, and hundreds of volunteers came together in June in Washington, DC, for our 2023 Advocacy Summit: The Power of Perseverance.
Now, as members of Congress return to their home states and districts for the month of August, Bread advocates are gearing up for the next phase of our farm bill campaign: local actions. Representatives and senators pay close attention to what their constituents (read: voters) are doing and saying locally, especially when the actions are directed at them. Local actions demonstrate seriousness and intentionality in raising our concerns and seeking a response from elected officials. These actions also help members of Congress and staff “put a face to the name,” giving them a personal snapshot of Bread for the World in their community.
Many Bread members have already committed to taking action locally, and we invite you to join them and other volunteers in your community around one or more of the following actions. If you have any questions, contact your Bread organizer.
- Meet locally with your members of Congress and staff. Meeting as a team with your members of Congress is one of the most impactful and transformative actions you can take! Use this checklist to guide you through the steps of requesting, preparing, holding, and debriefing the meetings. These are also a great opportunity to deliver letters from a recent Offering of Letters.
- Participate in town hall meetings or other public events with your members of Congress. Keep your eyes and ears open, and be proactive in seeking out opportunities to meet with your members of Congress when they have scheduled events (keep in mind these could include “virtual” town hall meetings). Connect with your Bread organizer beforehand on the best messaging – and show up and speak up!
- Submit an op-ed or letter to the editor on the farm bill. Use our letter to the editor template to get started. Look for a local angle or “hook” that will connect with your members of Congress and your community. Check out our “how to guide” if you would like additional tips on writing and submitting a letter to the editor.
After completing an action, let us know how it went and how we can follow up by filling out an in-district action report. Let us know in advance about your plans and how we can support your advocacy, including by connecting you with other Bread for the World members in your area.
Thank you for taking action with Bread for the World, as we work together to urge U.S. decision makers to pursue a world without hunger!
Let us not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up. (Galatians 6:9)