Lent is the 40-day period before Easter, during which Christians remember the events leading up to Christ’s crucifixion. It’s a time of spiritual reflection, penance and renewal, followed by the joyful celebration of Christ’s resurrection.
During Lent, we surrender. We rely completely on God’s love and mercy, remembering how Jesus invites us to walk through the wilderness with him during our struggles.
Lent is a time of restoration – of ourselves, and also of the world. It is a time to follow God’s path toward justice and righteousness in the world, learning to trust in God’s word while taking action to heal the brokenness around us.
Some people choose to fast to better understand Jesus’s sacrifice. Fasting can also help us understand the realities of the as many as 783 million people who are facing chronic hunger around the world.
Prayer is another important way to prepare our hearts for Easter, the holiest time of the year. Join Bread for the World in observing this season of Lent as we reflect on the coming resurrection of Christ and our role in ending hunger around the world.
Here are Bread for the World’s 2024 weekly Lent themes:

Lent Week 1: We Journey into the Wilderness with Jesus
Scripture: Mark 1:12-13, Psalm 25:4-5
Reflection: During the 40 days (not including Sundays) of Lent, many Christians give up some favorite food. Others participate in fasts as a way to remember those who are hungry. You may prefer to fast for just one day a week—or skip one meal. Contribute the money you save to your church or denomination’s hunger appeal.

Lent Week 2: Jesus Teach us to be Satisfied in You
Scripture: Mark 8:34-35, Psalm 22:26-27
Reflection: This year, the Lenten readings from the Revised Common Lectionary invite us to journey through the wilderness asking Jesus to teach us his ways. During this reflective period, we are called upon to rededicate ourselves to prayer and action on behalf of people who are in need. Make prayers to end hunger part of your regular prayer life.

Lent Week 3: Jesus Teach us to do Justice
Scripture: John 2:13-15a, Psalm 19:7-8
Reflection: Part of the way we follow Jesus’ ways of justice and righteousness is to advocate in the public square. Take just a few minutes this week to write brief letters to your members of Congress. Urge them to support policies to reduce and end hunger.

Lent Week 4: Jesus Teach us to Keep our Eyes on You
Scripture: John 3:14-15, Psalm 107:19-20
Reflection: When we join together, our actions can have a bigger impact on healing the injustices in the world. Now that you have written your members of Congress, invite your church, community, and friends to write also. Bread for the World’s Offering of Letters is an opportunity for individuals, congregations, campuses, and groups to gather and write personalized letters or emails to their members of Congress on hunger and poverty issues.

Lent Week 5: Jesus Teach us to Rely on Your Word
Scripture: Jeremiah 31:33, Psalm 119:10 -11
Reflection: Disparities and inequities are built into the social fabric of every country. Women and girls are more disadvantaged than their male counterparts. In the United States, African American and Latino communities experience higher unemployment rates as well as higher levels of hunger and poverty. We all participate in these systems. This Lenten season, may we open our hearts to the ways Jesus teaches us so that we might learn to trust in God’s word and to act in ways that resist and dismantle these systems.

Holy Week: Jesus Teach us to Trust in Your Power
Scripture: Mark 15:37-39, Philippians 2:5-8
Reflection: On Easter, we celebrate that we, who are buried with Christ, are raised with him to new life. One way to express this new life in Christ is to join others in ongoing prayers for an end to hunger.
Download Bread for the World’s free Lenten devotional for in-depth scriptures, reflections, and prayers.