Pray for all presidential and congressional candidates. Photo: Joe Molieri / Bread for the World

Bread Supports Reconciliation Framework

1 Min Read

Washington, D.C. – Bread for the World today offered its support for the reconciliation framework released by the White House. The following statement can be attributed to Rev. Eugene Cho, president and CEO of Bread for the World:

“The reconciliation framework released by the White House includes many important provisions that will ensure the nation’s most vulnerable children receive the care and nutrition they need. It extends the expanded Child Tax Credit for another year and makes the full refundability of the credit permanent, strengthens child nutrition and maternal health programs, and expands access to high-quality child care.

“While the framework omits proposals supported by Bread for the World and scales back others, we urge members of Congress to support its passage. We also urge Congress to come back next year to ensure programs such as the expanded Child Tax Credit continue and to increase funding for child nutrition.

“God loves all of humanity, and has special concern for the most vulnerable people among us, including children. Passing the reconciliation framework will help countless children and their families escape hunger and poverty and enable them to lead heathy and productive lives.”

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