Bread Statement on House and Senate Farm Bill Frameworks


Washington, D.C., May 10, 2024 – As Congress grapples with the reauthorization of the farm bill, both the House and Senate have released competing frameworks of the legislation. These frameworks seek to update critical programs that provide vital nutrition to more than 800 million people globally, emphasizing the bipartisan effort to address hunger and malnutrition.

The following statement can be attributed to Rev. Eugene Cho, president and CEO of Bread for the World:

“While both frameworks propose sensible compromises in a challenging political environment, the detailed framework proposed by Chairwoman Stabenow champions key hunger programs, strengthens local and fresh commodity procurement, and provides expanded markets for U.S. agriculture producers and shippers. It’s a thoughtful approach that balances necessity with fiscal responsibility, including the strategic use of funds through the Commodity Credit Corporation.

“With improvements like expanding SNAP to include underserved populations such as military families, transitioning Puerto Rico from the Nutrition Assistance Program to SNAP, and increasing access to more fruits and vegetables, the legislation sets a strong foundation for addressing food and nutrition insecurity. Moreover, initiatives like Food for Peace and the McGovern-Dole Food for Education Program are bolstered, ensuring continued support for these critical international nutrition programs.

“We urge Congress to unite across party lines and pass this bill before year’s end. It’s crucial for U.S. leadership to commit fully to restoring the well-being of God’s people facing hunger and nutrition challenges.”

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