Photo courtesy of Dr. Helen Stafford.

'Bread brings changemakers together'

2 Min Read

By Patricia Bidar

Dr. Helen Stafford, a physician based at Kaiser Permanente Medical Offices in East Los Angeles, California, first heard about Bread for the World’s work while completing her residency at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center.

“Two fellow residents who were Catholic and involved with Bread said they thought I’d be interested,” she said. “They were right.”

“I’m a locally oriented person,” Helen continued. “My husband, Chase, comes from a much more political family. He has a background in international development—and now works in education advocacy.”

The couple joined Bread for the World seven years ago before moving to Ghana, West Africa. At the same time, they joined Bread’s Baker’s Dozen monthly giving program. While in Africa, Chase worked in international development and Helen taught in a residency program that focused on family medicine.

A year later, the two returned to the U.S. to start their family.

Today, the couple live in Pasadena, California with their two young sons. They have spent the pandemic “podding” with another family with kids the same age as theirs. Helen and Chase tithe to their local church and its ministries and distribute another percentage of their income among various local, national, and international organizations.

The ease and flexibility of the Baker’s Dozen monthly giving program works well for the busy couple. They have increased their monthly gift as their careers have grown.     

The family attends Pasadena Foursquare Church, which welcomes all persons of any culture, ethnicity, differing abilities, religious affiliation, and socioeconomic status. Like Pasadena Foursquare Church, Helen says she appreciates that Bread for the World brings together members from “both sides of the aisle,” united in their care for others.

“Bread brings changemakers together on an issue—hunger—that touches families all over the world,” Helen says. “And this is important to everyone.” 

Patricia Bidar is a freelance writer.

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