This is what God the LORD says—He who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and its offspring, who gives breath to the people on it and life to those who walk in it. —Isaiah 42:5
In late October, Bread for the World and partners—the World Council of Churches and the All Africa Conference of Churches—convened the annual Pan African Women of Faith/Pan African Women’s Ecumenical Empowerment Conference. This year’s theme was “Pan African Women and Girls: Changing Seasons Called Today and the Future.”
During the opening prayer and devotional time, we were inspired by the soul-stirring Sweet Honey in the Rock song “We.” It features a powerful refrain that threads the song together.
For each child that’s born
A morning star rises and sings
To the universe who we are
We are our grandmothers prayers
We are our grandfathers dreamings
We are the breath of the ancestors
We are the spirit of God
In her opening greeting, the Rev. Heather Taylor, Bread for the World’s managing director, inspired us by pointing out that our prayers and devotional life are paramount to communing together. Later, President and CEO Eugene Cho reminded us that loving God and loving our neighbor are foundational biblical messages that should ground our advocacy with congressional leaders.
Such counsel invites a deeper reflection on the precious gift of breath that makes it possible for us to offer our prayers and actions. Isaiah 42:5 speaks of God’s creation giving breath and life to the people. Sweet Honey in the Rock reminds us that this gift is passed from generation to generation.
Advent and Christmas are seasons that help us to focus on these gifts, despite the divisions and diversions that can hinder our alignment with divine humanity. The genealogy of Jesus in the first chapter of Matthew relates Jesus’ birth through His connection to His ancestors. Jesus’s genealogy includes groups of people who were divided and groups who worked together.
Jesus was born into a season of conflict, but we are reminded that angels and other divine messengers in the Advent and Christmas story announced the breath of a new child who would bring a message of peace.
You are invited to cherish these holy remembrances with Bread’s Advent devotional, as we also remember that there are more than 700 million people experiencing hunger, inequity, and food insecurity today.
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Angelique Walker-Smith is senior associate for Pan African and Orthodox Church engagement at Bread for the World.