Advocacy works.
Members of Congress really do listen to constituents who speak up. Nearly 1 in 10 people around the world goes to bed hungry at night – but world hunger is solvable.

By focusing resources and policies on the right programs, Congress has the power to make hunger a problem of the past. Now, they need to know hunger is important to you. Hunger is a profoundly political issue and should be a top concern of our federal government. Your voice has the power to influence efforts and votes.

Write to Congress
Personalized letters and emails stand out. They tell senators and representatives that you, as a constituent, really care about an issue. Write to your legislators about these issues that are currently moving in Congress and/or in the administration.
The impact of the farm bill is significant. It not only affects the agriculture and food sectors – it can play a huge role in ending food insecurity and hunger in the U.S. and save the lives of millions abroad. Tell your senators and representatives to support the reauthorization of the farm bill in order to build healthy, equitable, and sustainable food systems.
Federal nutrition programs provide roughly 10 times as much food assistance as private churches and charities combined.
Social Media
Speak up on social media about the issues you care about and tag your senator or representative. Let’s make hunger impossible to ignore.
We need your voice to end hunger.