Idaho: A Hunger and Poverty Snapshot

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Idaho Fact Sheet

In Idaho, between 2019-2021:

  • Food insecurity in Idaho averaged 9.8%.
  • Idaho’s food insecurity rate was 6% lower than the national average of 10.4%.
  • The official poverty rate (which does not account for income from safety-net and tax-support programs such as SNAP, EITC, and others) in the state averaged 8.5%.
  • But using the Supplemental Poverty Measure (which does include safety-net and tax-support income), the poverty rate falls to 6.0%. In other words, these programs reduced the poverty rate in Idaho by 30% and the number of people living in poverty by 47,000.
  • SNAP, alone, lifted 38,000 people above the poverty line in Idaho, including 20,000 children, per year between 2013 and 2017, on average.

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