Photo: Joe Molieri / Bread for the World

Prayers to End Hunger: Refuge and Strength

2 Min Read

Editor’s note: subscribers to Bread for the World’s Prayers to End Hunger receive new prayers by email every other Friday. Sign up here.

Perhaps you have seen it on TV—the closing story of the newscast where good people respond generously to neighbors in need.

This year, many if not most of these stories are about neighbors providing food for others. It’s the restaurant owner offering free meals to those in need rather than shutting the restaurant’s doors. It’s the teacher coordinating food donations for students and their families experiencing hunger due to job loss or illness.

It’s the church creating an outdoor free food pantry so passersby can take what they need or contribute to the pantry.

Perhaps one of God’s greatest blessings is that God gave us one another that we might live into the love that God has for us and support each other in times of need. Thanks be to God. Let us pray:

Holy God,

Your Holy word teaches us that as we do our best to care for our neighbors who are hungry, it is as if we are caring for you.

Help us to build systems that are more equitable and ensure that all are fed. Remind us to trust in you and not try to hold on to too much for ourselves.

Bless us, O Lord, that we might speak out with strong voices of advocacy to end hunger relying wholly on you, our refuge and our strength.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

“For I was hungry and you gave me food…I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”

—Matthew 25:35-36

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