Bread team from New Mexico prepares for Lobby Day 2014. Photo: Bread for the World

New Mexico leaders plan an Offering of Letters workshop

2 Min Read

By Bread Staff

Carlos Navarro, who joined Bread for the World more than 30 years ago and has been committed to ending hunger ever since, leads our efforts in Albuquerque, N.M. Navarro organizes a yearly workshop designed to introduce the Offering of Letters to local church leaders and anti-hunger activists. 

Navarro has scheduled an Offering of Letters: Doing Our Part to End Hunger workshop for March 11. The workshop will teach participants how to conduct a successful letter-writing event, and also how to have an effective meeting with congressional members.

In advance of the panel, Navarro asked New Mexico Bread activists for tips and recorded them in a post on the Bread New Mexico Blog. Asked how to prepare for a visit to your congressional office, Bread member Ellen Beulow said:

“Preparing is half the journey. Bread webinars are great places to learn about issues. The Offering of Letters kit pinpoints why and how to write our congressional representatives. However, to speak to staffers about that issue, we need to gather some personal stories in our community…It’s important to keep conversations concise and to the point while giving perspective on needs in New Mexico.”

Ellen and her husband Larry will travel to Washington, D.C., for Bread’s annual Lobby Day, Tuesday June 13. To increase the impact of their advocacy, Navarro and others will schedule in-district meetings with congressional staff to coincide with the couple’s Capitol Hill visits. 

Our work to end hunger is powered by the passion and talent of our activists across the United States. We are louder when we organize and stronger when we take advantage of the wealth of knowledge our members have accumulated in over 40 years of advocacy.

If you need tips or have questions about organizing an Offering of Letters workshop in your region, contact [email protected] or call 800/822-7323.

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