Food pantry at St. George's Episcopal Church in Fredericksburg, Va. Joseph Molieri/Bread for the World.

Participate in the Souper Bowl of Caring on Super Bowl Sunday

2 Min Read

By Stephen H. Padre

“Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those who are without a bowl of soup to eat” is a prayer that began a movement to take action against hunger on a day when Americans come together around football, fun, and food.
The Souper Bowl of Caring takes place every year on the day of the Super Bowl—Feb. 7 this year. The idea is simple: Led by youth, your congregation or community collects money and/or canned goods before or on Super Bowl Sunday. You report your results at, where national results are compiled and reported. You then donate 100 percent of your collection to an organization of your choice that is fighting hunger.
Make participation in this national event fun in your congregation. Some congregations serve a soup lunch after worship services. Use football images and sports metaphors to build excitement. Send youth out to collect money and canned goods from homes in the neighborhood.
The event is locally driven — you choose where your collection goes — but why not make broader connections in your participation? Pass on in-kind donations to a local organization, and give part or all of your monetary donations to an organization that works nationally or internationally, such as Bread for the World or your denomination’s hunger program. Groups across the country have donated to Bread in the past.
Start planning for your participation now. Promotional materials that you can use and adapt are available at, where you can find information about other events around the Souper Bowl, including a service blitz.

Stephen H. Padre is managing editor at Bread for the World.

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