Chang Park
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Chang Park


Chang K. Park is the founder and CEO of Universal Remote Control Inc., which he founded more than 30 years ago. URC develops, produces, and distributes remote controls and home automation products.

Park is a former engineer and banker whose career includes work in international financing and the electrification of the Washington Metro subway system and Northeast corridor rail system. Park has served as a national board member for Common Cause and on the board of Union Theological Seminary. He is a former Trustee and Treasurer of Riverside Church of New York City.

Park is a recipient of Impact Award in Philanthropy Leadership from CARE; the Art Simon Award from the Bread for the World; and the Lifetime Achievement Award from Home Automation Industry, CEDIA, a trade association with 3,700 member companies. He holds a dual degree in Electrical Engineering and Engineering Administration from Michigan Tech with in 1973 and an MBA from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He holds an honorary doctorate in Philosophy from Michigan Tech.

As a child growing up in Korea after its war, Park saw poverty and hunger that caused so much human suffering; he came to the U.S. as a teenager. Park is interdenominational – Methodist, United Church of Christ, and American Baptist.